At Nature School Dunedin we are passionate about getting children outdoors. We believe in a balance of creative play and skill-based learning. Our mission is to use nature as the third teacher to inspire creative hearts, hands and minds.
"When truly present in nature, we use all our senses at the same time, which is the optimum state of learning."
ree and uninterrupted play is an important aspect of Nature School Dunedin. Children will be offered skill-based activities to develop independence over their own projects and interests. From time to time experts will be invited to share their knowledge. Each season brings with it fresh experiences and opportunities for learning.
OuR programmeWe are a registered New Zealand Charity.
Nature School Dunedin is a registered Charitable Trust consisting of five Trustees.Together they bring a balanced range of skills including curriculum knowledge, positive behaviour management and a love of nature and the outdoors.